Post Grad Public Health Certificate

California Board of Registered Nursing Public Health Nurse Certificate Application Instructions

Current regulations for public health nurse certification require that the nurse be a graduate of a BSN degree program accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).

CSUDH BSN Graduates

All BSN graduates of the School of Nursing may be eligible to apply for the PHN Certificate.

After your degree has been posted:

  1. Complete the PHN Certificate application from the Board of Registered Nursing's (BRN) website
  2. Download and fill out the top applicant portion of this "Request for Transcript" form and then email the form attached as a PDF to Please wait to sign the form until we return it to you. Include your CSUDH student ID # in the email. No scans will be accepted.
    • For the Child Abuse and Neglect mandatory reporter portion: BSN 422 provided 7 hours; 4 for general, 3 for medical professionals.
    • The SON will email the signed form back to the student on the email.  The student must then submit the documents online via their BreEZe account, or mail them to: PO BOX 944210, SACRAMENTO CA, 94244-2100
  3. Request your official transcripts from CSU Dominguez Hills via the transcripts request website: .
    • Request CSUDH send the transcripts directly to the BRN. You must provide the BRN's mailing address when requesting the transcripts online. 
  4. Submit your application online via your BreEZe account, or mail it to: PO BOX 944210, SACRAMENTO CA, 94244-2100

Nurses with a BSN degree from another university

  • Nurses with a BSN degree from another university may be deficient in the clinical hours necessary to receive a PHN Certificate.  These students will need to take BSN 423 Community-based Role Performance which includes 90 hours of clinical. 
  • As a service to the community the School of Nursing at CSUDH will offer this course through Open University via the College of Continuing and Professional Education (CCPE). 
  • Recently, CSU Northridge has also made the required courses available to the nursing community in an entirely online format.  If you are interested in their coursework please see this link:

Instructions for CSUDH:

  1. Apply to the CA BRN for the PHN Certificate If you are deficient in clinical hours, the BRN will send you a Letter of Deficiency. Then you may move on to Step 2.
  2. Apply to take BSN 423 here: Non-DH BSN 423 application You are required to upload a copy of your Letter of Deficiency when filling out the application. Applications will not be considered without a Letter of Deficiency.
  3. Your application and Letter of Deficiency will be reviewed and if acceptable, it will be forwarded on to the Clinical Coordinator.
  4. Students will be notified by email, approximately 6 weeks after the application deadline, with information about enrolling in the course via Open University. Current Open University costs: $311/unit for Undergrad; $369/unit for Graduate (Post-Bac’s are charged at the Graduate rate).
    • Seats will be assigned on a space-available basis.  Current CSUDH BSN students are given priority. Please plan accordingly. 
    • PHN Certificate applicants are required to supply their own preceptor and site. Please do not submit an application without a preceptor and site
      • Please Note: if CSUDH SON does not have an active contract with a site, it may take up to 6 months to secure a contract delaying enrollment in BSN 423. 
      • Therefore, it is advisable students find a site from our active site list on the Clinical Webpage which also hosts the BSN Clinical Handbook which has more information about securing a site and preceptor.
      • If you decide to use a site not on our list you will need to initiate the Request for a Clinical Affiliation agreement process:

Examples of appropriate public health sites:

        • Head Start programs
        • College/School Health Centers
        • Community Health Clinics
        • Community Education
        • LGBT Counseling/Health Clinics
        • Public Health Departments
 Once you have received a grade for BSN 423:
  1. Download and fill out the top applicant portion of the "Request for Transcript" form and then email the form attached as a PDF to Please wait to sign the form until we return it to you. Include your CSUDH student ID # in the email. No scans will be accepted.
    • The SON will email the signed form back to the student on the email.  The student must then submit the documents online via their BreEZe account, or mail them to: PO BOX 944210, SACRAMENTO CA, 94244-2100
  2. Request your official transcripts from CSU Dominguez Hills via the transcripts request website:
    • Request CSUDH send the transcripts directly to the BRN. You must provide the BRN's mailing address when requesting the transcripts online. 











RNs without a BSN will have the opportunity to complete our RN-BSN program to qualify for the PHN Certificate

Foreign Nursing School Graduates: If you are currently licensed as a registered nurse in the U.S. and have earned a BSN from a school outside the United States, you must contact the BRN directly at (916) 322-1988. Go to the BRN’s website  for details.